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AF | BCMR | CY2011 | BC 2011 00038 2
Original file (BC 2011 00038 2.txt) Auto-classification: Approved












His records be corrected to reflect his Vietnam service. 






The applicant submitted a similar request dated 9 Jan 11. On 
18 Oct 11, the Board recommended denial of the applicant’s 
request because the evidence submitted did not substantiate his 
claim; however, the Board agreed to reconsider the applicant’s 
request if he could provide additional information such as a 
travel voucher or a certified statement from a witness verifying 
he was assigned duties in Vietnam during the period in question 
(Exhibit E). 


In his latest request, dated 28 Oct 11, the applicant submits a 
copy of his travel orders validated and stamped by the Customs 
277th Air Police Squadron at Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Republic of 


The applicant’s complete submission, with attachment, is at 
Exhibit F. 






After again reviewing the evidence of record to include the 
validated travel order, the Board is of the opinion sufficient 
relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate the 
existence of an error or an injustice warranting a correction to 
the applicant’s record indicating he had “boots on the ground” 
in Vietnam. Therefore, we recommend his records be corrected as 
indicated below. 






The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air 
Force relating to APPLICANT be corrected to show that he had 
“boots on the ground” in Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Vietnam. 
Therefore, we recommend his records be corrected as indicated 




The following members of the Board considered this application 
in Executive Session on 28 Feb 12, under the provisions of AFI 


 , Panel Chair 

 , Member 

 , Member 


The following documentary evidence was considered in AFBCMR 
Docket Number BC-2011-00038: 


 Exhibit E. Record of Proceedings, dated 20 Oct 11, w/atchs. 

 Exhibit G. Letter, Applicant, dated 28 Oct 11, w/atch. 





 Panel Chair 


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